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Nursing Home Admission Contracts

Moving a family member to a nursing home is never a simple process. Finding the right facility, coordinating the move, managing a very sick family member and dealing with all of your emotions will easily overwhelm most of us. To make matters more difficult, the nursing home is asking you to sign a very complicated admissions agreement. Here is what you need to know before you sign.

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  9191 Hits

The Colorado Guardianship Process

Why do I need a Guardianship?

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  5338 Hits

Brad quoted in in MarketWatch

Brad is quoted in an article in MarketWatch entitled, "Who's Getting the Beach House? Tell Your Heirs Now." Click here to read this article.

  6068 Hits

Brad quoted in CNN Money/Genworth

Brad is quoted in a recent CNN Money/Genworth article entitled, "The Biggest Threat to Retirement Planning." Click here to read this article.

  5324 Hits

Brad quoted in Market Wealth article.

Brad is quoted in a recent Market Wealth article entitled "How a Parent's Health-Care Bills Could Hurt You."  Click here to read this article.

  5014 Hits



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